Friday, July 28, 2006

Oh Horrors! A Booby!

This image, from the cover of the free magazine "Babytalk" is apparently the source of some controversy. In a recent poll, 25% of those asked found the image to be inappropriate. I would like to add my own voice to those who find this inappropriate. It is completely unacceptable that a baby's head should ruin what would have been a wonderful shot of someone's breast. Furthermore it is unacceptable that breasts should be seen anywhere outside of pornography, R-rated movies and old National Geographic Magazines. God forbid some teenage boy see this benign and healthy image of female anatomy when so many more appropriate images can be found on countless websites.

OK, end sarcasm. I guess it's a sign of progress that only 25% of people thought this was inappropriate but it still boggles my mind. Having seen my wife breastfeed countless times, including in public, I feel qualified to offer my opinion here. Breastfeeding, while natural and beautiful, really isn't that sexy. The teenager who might get aroused looking at this picture is probably already jerking-off to the lingerie section of the Sears Catalogue. So the concerned parents who threw out the cover of this magazine or shredded it to shield their teenagers sensitive eyes, they're fighting a losing battle.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Updated: Someone Whose writing I Enjoy

Michael Reynolds at the Mighty Middle muses on the things which drive him to the point of Homicide.

Having Read his list which I agree with whole heartedly, I'd like to submit the following:

People out there who identify themselves as "Christians" and will make a decision about someone, voting or otherwise, solely based on whether that person identifies themselves as a "Christian". This complete abdication of thinking and rational decision making makes me want to scream and hit something.

Update: I feel I should add something here as my wife is the only one who reads this Blog and she might be under the impression that this is directed towards one person in particular (not her). This isn't the case and I should clarify.

My frustration is directed towards the circle the wagons mentality that, in truth, one can find on either extreme of the political spectrum. It just so happens that the religious right is in a position of power right now, so their examples are more glaring. The inability of people to question their assumptions and the fact that these people are driving our political dialogue is very frustrating. That this one person has in some small way come to represent that mindset to me is entirely unfair on my part and doesn't in any way change the fact that I consider this person a very good friend.

Really stupid sports commentators and writers. I know I shouldn't be turning to the sports pages for intelligent discussions but the vast majority of these guys are shockingly stupid.

Update: The guys at Fire Joe Morgan are celebrating the recent firing of Harold Reynolds. Take a look as they stroll down memory lane and recap some of HR's most memorable bonehead moments.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

So Much for My Flurry of Posts

Just when I though my life was getting easier, it starts getting hard again. The wife and kids are away leaving me free from parental duty but what steps in to take it's place? My job of course. That annoying thing which didn't give me a raise this year is now asking me to put in a 60+ hour week to complete a few projects. Shockingly, I'm not enthused. Is it just me or has pay been replaced be vague and empty promises of "furthering my career" and "opportunities for exposure". This bullshit got old before I went to grad school. Now it just plain smells.

That voice in the back of my head, telling my to disengage, is starting to get loud. Disengage, from work, from New York state, find greener pastures. I've always felt that I'll know the right desicion because it will be the hard choice. It's going to be hard as hell to find a new job and move the family. But it's time.

So where is all my other personal bullshit, the stuff I was itching to post? It's still there, lurking in my head like a stalking butler. I'll get to it this weekend.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

A Long Absence

I’ve been much too busy to Blog lately but I’ve had a lot to write about so I’ll be posting like fury over the next few days.

What have I been up to? I took a vacation with my wife in Cancun, I’ve been taking part in a major renovation project on my house and then the usual working/being father of 3 fun and excitement.

What will I be writing about? All of the above, plus my thoughts on politics (Grrr!), The World Cup (Hurrah!) and whatever else crosses my mind. So to anyone out there who actually reads this Blog, please prepare yourself for a barrage of personal reflections, observations and general self absorption. Enjoy or don’t, I wont be losing sleep either way.