Friday, July 28, 2006

Oh Horrors! A Booby!

This image, from the cover of the free magazine "Babytalk" is apparently the source of some controversy. In a recent poll, 25% of those asked found the image to be inappropriate. I would like to add my own voice to those who find this inappropriate. It is completely unacceptable that a baby's head should ruin what would have been a wonderful shot of someone's breast. Furthermore it is unacceptable that breasts should be seen anywhere outside of pornography, R-rated movies and old National Geographic Magazines. God forbid some teenage boy see this benign and healthy image of female anatomy when so many more appropriate images can be found on countless websites.

OK, end sarcasm. I guess it's a sign of progress that only 25% of people thought this was inappropriate but it still boggles my mind. Having seen my wife breastfeed countless times, including in public, I feel qualified to offer my opinion here. Breastfeeding, while natural and beautiful, really isn't that sexy. The teenager who might get aroused looking at this picture is probably already jerking-off to the lingerie section of the Sears Catalogue. So the concerned parents who threw out the cover of this magazine or shredded it to shield their teenagers sensitive eyes, they're fighting a losing battle.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having spent a year nursing very recently, I can agree with you that, hey, it's not that sexy. Unless walking around with milk spots on your shirt and frequently having lopsided breasts (my babe tended to get his fill from one breast during a feeding, which left the other one disproportianately large until the next feeding) is erotically appealing.

12:22 PM  

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